• Moon Vows 'Innovation, Inclusiveness, Fairness' In New Year's Speech

President Moon Jae-in
President Moon Jae-in

President Moon Jae-in delivered a formal New Year's address at Cheong Wa Dae this morning, vowing to maintain his policy direction of "innovation, inclusiveness and fairness" in 2020.

He also stressed his continued commitment to improving inter-Korean relations.

Our Christine Min reports.


President Moon highlighted the improved employment situation in the country and promised to create more jobs in the manufacturing industry.

He said his administration would work to enhance working conditions and raise the minimum wage.

He also vowed efforts to improve public safety, including strengthening road safety for children and combating the worsening threat posed by fine dust.

Moon stressed the importance of revitalizing the economy through innovation, such as 5G technologies and his administration's New Southern Policy.

He also made clear he would not give up his reform drive, saying promoting fairness is the basis for "stronger social trust."

He said legal and systemic measures to reform the prosecution and other institutions of power need to be introduced.

On inter-Korean relations, the president said there should be cooperation to benefit all Koreans.

[Clip: Moon: 00:18]
"The South and North not only have a shared border but also a shared 'life community.' I suggest that we start cooperation in the border region to secure the safety of 80 million Koreans. I believe leader Kim Jong-un has the same will."

Moon also reaffirmed his commitment to resume the joint Kaesong Industrial Complex and Mount Kumgang tours, a possible way to improve ties.

And he stressed the importance of continued sports exchanges between the two Koreas, calling for a unified team at the Tokyo Summer Olympics.

Moon urged the North to keep its promise of co-hosting the 2032 Summer Olympics, saying that it was an agreement made with the international community.

Christine Min, eFM News.■

<Photo: Yonhap News>
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